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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast

P4 Mrs Cooke

Hello and welcome to Primary 4!

We are a happy, respectful, progressive and successful class with lots of unique talents, personalities and interests.  Keep an eye out for our fantastic work, that we will share throughout the year. 



We aim to link our Literacy, Numeracy, World Around Us, ICT, Music, Art, Drama and PE around our half termly topics.

Term 1A: Celebrations Around the World

Term 1B: Pirates

Term 2A: Weather

Term 2B: Under the Sea

Term 3: World War 2



Our Religion is taught through the Grow In Love programme and our PDMU is taught through the PATHS programme.  We have discussed our class charter and selected three Rights to focus on upholding as we grow in P4. 


  • Article 19: The right to be safe.
  • Article 28 & 29:  The right to an education.
  • Article 12: The right to a voice. 



Children will be making their First Confession and First Holy Communion this year,  they will be prepared in school, we ask that parents support their children by practicing songs and prayers at home too. 


Communion: Friday 5th May 2023.



This will continue using Showbie.  Children will also be provided with a homework book to complete written homeworks in.  We ask that adults at home support with completing homework and uploading it to Showbie for the class teacher to see. 


Physical Education

PE will be twice a week. One session indoors and one session outdoors. Days to be confirmed. Please remember to bring a coat on the outdoor session day. 



Class Photograph



Mrs Begum
Mrs Begum
Miss M McKenna
Miss M McKenna

Teacher (P3)


Latest Photographs



25th Jun 2024
We had great fun this year during our Activity based learning time. We really enjoyed...
25th Jun 2024
We had a great day at the War Museum in Belfast. We learned a lot about life here...
25th Jun 2024
The sun was shining for Sports Day! We had great fun in the sun.☀️🕶️ Look...
25th Jun 2024
We had such fun listening to music and learning about Africa on Africa day. Look...
