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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast

P1 Mrs McGuigan

Hello and welcome to Primary One.  We are all so excited to get into our new classroom, learn new things and play with our friends.

Please note: our PE days are Tuesday & Friday.

This year we are looking forward to learning more about the following topics:

Term 1A: All About Me

Term 1B: Families

Term 2A: Winter

Term 2B: Animals

Term 3: Food

If you ever have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

All the best,

Mrs McGuigan


Class Photograph



Mrs McGuigan
Mrs McGuigan

Teacher (P1)~SLT~Child Protection/ Foundation Stage

Ms Rothwell
Ms Rothwell

Classroom Assistant


Latest Photographs



21st Jun 2024
As part of Refugee Week 2024 we shared a walk to Annadale Embankment. We enjoyed...
20th Jun 2024
We had lots of fun on Sports Day. We enjoyed the Sprint, obstacle and egg & spoon...
22nd May 2024
We travelled to the farm by bus.We fed lots of animals including chickens, turkeys,...
26th Jan 2024
In January & February our topic is Cold Places.This includes making observations...
