Access Keys:

Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast

Child Protection Information

On this page you will find information linked to the Child Protection policies and procedures in Holy Rosary PS.

Hard copies of documents are available on request from the School Office.

In the event of a school closure, if you wish to contact a member of staff regarding a Child Protection matter you can do so by emailing us at   In this instance you should include your name and contact number only in the email. Alternatively you can contact Gateway on 028 9050 7000 about a concern.


Safeguarding Team:

Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mrs Clare McGuigan

Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mrs Carmel Burns

2nd Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection: Mr Louis McVeigh

Principal: Mr Paddy McAllister


BoG Safeguarding Team:

Mr Sean Patterson (Designated Safeguarding Governor)

Mrs Sarah Morrison (Safeguarding Team Member)

Mrs Joanna Tarach (Chair of Board of Governors)