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Holy Rosary Primary School, Sunnyside Crescent Belfast

School Councils

Holy Rosary Primary School considers it important that pupils should play an active, positive role in the life of their school and believes that our Pupil Councils helps to achieve this.

The role of the Pupil Councils is to:

*provide an opportunity for pupils to voice their opinions and offer suggestions in relation to many aspects of school life

*discuss issues relevant to our school and encourage and promote initiatives from the pupils

*offer an opportunity for all pupils to voice their opinions on proposed changes and thereby play a very significant role in improving our school

*act as a channel of communication within the school organisation, between pupils and between home and school

*encourage pupils, and thereby their families, to be involved in organising events central to the life of the school

*raise awareness of local and global issues and in turn provide an opportunity to raise funds for aid organisations

Through our Pupil Councils we hope to give our pupils a more active role in the organisation of our school and ensure they are listened to and respected for their ideas and concerns. The school involves the pupils in many of the decisions that are made regarding the day-to-day running and management of Holy Rosary PS. Discussions in classes and at Council meetings help to develop social and learning skills in many areas including speaking and listening, problem solving, brainstorming and the decision-making process.

Topics that come under discussion at the Pupil Council meetings may include the following: school rules, green issues, homework, play areas, school uniform, fundraising and After-School clubs.

In addition to their role in communicating and problem solving, the pupils involved in the Councils will regularly contribute to the termly School Newsletters to raise awareness of the focuses of the individual councils.

We currently have 3 active Pupil Councils: The Fairtrade Council, The Rights Ambassadors and The Eco-Council – visit their individual pages to get a flavour of the work they are doing throughout the school.


School Councils news

10th Apr 2024
Thank you for your generous donations! 
18th Sep 2023
It was a pleasure to meet our new Rights Ambassadors for 2023-2024 today. ...
31st Mar 2022
This month, the Rights Ambassadors have been learning new vocabulary - inalienable,...
9th Feb 2022
This year each class discussed the circles of support that they have in their family,...